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15 Tips to Eat Healthier at ANY Restaurant

I love eating out.  More than the average person.  In fact, probably more than most people. 

I’m not ashamed of it either.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy cooking or I’m a terrible cook.  I just LOVE to eat out.  Thankfully my husband does too. 

I’m not sure where this love came from, but it definitely began when I was a kid.  I remember visiting my grandparents on the weekends and being so excited to find out where we were eating that night.  Sometimes it was McDonald’s.  Other times it was Chi-Chi’s or Olive Garden.  It didn’t matter where really- I was ALWAYS excited.

I also remember my dad taking me out for dinner.  My mom worked a few nights a week and on one of those nights, my dad would take me out- usually for fast food- and it was always fun!  I have some great memories with him!

Heck, my mom and I still get together a few times a week and we try to plan something like shopping or running errands, but it always ends at a restaurant.   We usually can’t shop fast enough to get to dinner.  Maybe it’s just genetic…? 

The problem is, if you love eating out like I do, you know how it has the potential to wreak havoc on any diet or nutrition goals you have for yourself.  Eating at home can be easy, compared to figuring out how to stay on track while eating out- AND still enjoy what you’ve ordered!   It’s doable, but definitely takes some careful navigating!

Being somewhat of an expert in the ‘dining-out-more-than-necessary’ field, 😉 here are some ways to stay on track, and still enjoy yourself at that next meal out! 

Tips for Ordering Mexican:  (My Favorite!)

*Portion out the tortilla chips.   Immediately.  Do not let yourself just dive in with the chips and salsa!  Agree to eat XX amount of chips, then eat them slowly throughout your meal.   Chips add up FAST, so budgeting a specific amount will save you hundreds of calories!   I like to take each chip and break it into 2-3 pieces for smaller bites and more salsa!

*Avoid the frozen margaritas.  I know.  That’s a hard one.  The problem is this- even if you order the small and not the fishbowl, you’re looking at anywhere from 300-600 calories of nothing but carbs and sugar.  It’s just bad. 

Instead, look for a fresh, on the rocks margarita.  The goal is to order one without a bunch of mixers it.  The less ingredients the better.  Look for tequila and lime juice to make up the majority of it.  You can also look for a skinny margarita.  Those will save you hundreds of calories!  Another idea would be to order a glass of wine (stick with a drier white or red for less sugar), or even a light beer.   When I’m really watching my nutrition, I will order a dry white or red wine because I can easily budget those calories into my day.

*Order a la carte.   The full meals Mexican restaurants offer are amazing, but usually covered in cheese, extra sauce, and other extras like guacamole and sour cream.  I avoid all of that by ordering ala carte.  Most restaurants will have an appetizer or side item menu that includes single tacos, enchiladas, burritos, tamales, etc.   I can order a few chicken soft tacos as my meal or make a meal with a single taco, enchilada, and split a side of rice with someone.  It’s PLENTY of food!  I promise!

Tips for Ordering Italian:

*Avoid the bread!  Ask your waiter or waitress not to bring the bread.  However, if you do have to have bread, (I get it!) budget how much you’ll eat.  Have a slice before your meal and no more.  Or, if you’d rather have it with your meal, save it for then.   Bread is carb heavy and can eat up your budget of carbs for the day VERY quickly, especially if you plan to eat pasta!

*Order something other than pasta for your main dish.   Most Italian restaurants offer other meals where pasta can be a side and not the main portion of your meal.  Look for grilled chicken, fish, or beef then have pasta as your side.  Veggies would be a great side too! 

*Go with grilled.  As much as you want that fried chicken parmesan, ask for the chicken to be grilled.  And don’t believe it when the menu says ‘lightly fried.’   It is still greasy and fried.   I’ve tried it more than once.  🙂

Tips for Ordering Chinese:

*Start your meal with a soup.  Soup can be very filling and make it easy to eat less when your entrée arrives.  Most soups at Chinese restaurants are not too bad in calories- just watch the sodium.  Go easy on how much of the broth you eat. 

*Order steamed rice and vegetables.  Focus on a higher ratio of veggies than rice.  Even coated in a little sauce, veggie carbs are better than rice carbs!   And please, please, please- avoid the fried rice.  Order brown steamed rice if you can. 

*Look for the ‘healthy’ menu or steamed options.  Most restaurants allow you to get the chicken steamed and not fried.  Some even have a healthy section on the menu that offers meals with steamed meats, rice, and veggies, along with a sauce that isn’t heavy in fat or calories.  Again, your biggest obstacle is sodium so always go easy on the sauces. 

Tips for Ordering Fast Food:

*Order a la carte.  Avoid ordering any sort of Value Meal!  Those contain way more than a full portion of food!  Look for healthier sides like yogurt, baked potatoes, and soups.  Some restaurants have a value menu with smaller portions.  Sometimes even a simple sandwich can be plenty of food.  Maybe just steal a few fries from a friend.  😉

*Look for grilled:  I’m a sucker for chicken nuggets and tenders so I don’t even look at those!  If you’re going for chicken or fish, be sure it’s grilled! 

*Order sandwiches without sauces or cheese.    When ordering, ask what comes on the item.  If you can remove a sauce or cheese, do it!  You can always substitute with ketchup, mustard, or hot sauce. 

Tips for Ordering ANY Cuisine:

*Portion size will always be key in any cuisine.  Most meals these days are 2, sometimes even 3 full portions!  When your plate arrives, immediately portion out the food you plan to eat, then take the rest home.  A good rule of thumb I use, is to eat about half of what is on the plate. 

*Always ask!   Ask your waiter or waitress how the food is prepared.  Then customize your meal the way YOU would like it!  Ask for your protein to be grilled or remove things like croutons, sauces, mayo, or cheese and you can save hundreds of calories!  I hardly EVER order a meal the way it’s supposed to come.

*Put together your own meal.  Order a bowl of soup, a side salad, a small appetizer, or sides.  Anything can be a meal!  Just be sure to pair it with a good protein source.  Don’t be afraid to ask for just a grilled chicken breast or other piece of meat on the side.  Many restaurants are happy to do it these days!

The key to ordering and eating out is to be mindful.  Stick with foods that typically are a little healthier.  Go with grilled over fried, veggies over potatoes, and go easy on the sauces.  Eat slowly, then most importantly- ENJOY yourself! 

Follow Margaritas and Meal Prep for more tips!

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